JoonHo (Brian) Lee


I completed by Masters in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. I'm advised by Professor Byron Boots in the UW Robot Learning Lab since Spring 2021. My research focuses on Robotic Vision and Deep Learning. I also received my BS degree at the University of Washington. My current research interest lie in end-to-end learning for autonomous driving, imitation learning, and generalizable perception (open set recognition, domain adaptation).

Email: joonl4(at)cs(dot)washington(dot)edu
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Pre-training for Robotics

Road Barlow Twins: Redundancy Reduction for Motion Prediction

[ArXiv] [Code]

Motion forecasting is a crucial task in autonomous driving as it allows the vehicle to plan maneuvers around other vehicles and avoid collision by anticipating their future trajectories. In this work, the authors show that they can use Barlow Twins as an effective self-supervised learning to learn representations for fine-tuning for trajectory forecasting with a positive transfer (on average 10+% accuracy improvements).

Proposed Motion ViT architecture

Road Barlow Twins framework

Road Barlow Twins Experiment Results

RedMotion: Motion Prediction Via Redundancy Reduction

[ArXiv] [Code]

RedMotion Architecture