JoonHo (Brian) Lee


I completed by Masters in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. I'm advised by Professor Byron Boots in the UW Robot Learning Lab since Spring 2021. My research focuses on Robotic Vision and Deep Learning. I also received my BS degree at the University of Washington. My current research interest lie in end-to-end learning for autonomous driving, imitation learning, and generalizable perception (open set recognition, domain adaptation).

Email: joonl4(at)cs(dot)washington(dot)edu
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Recently learned about einsum, a flexible operator that can represent a lot of matrix operations. Essentially, einsum conceptually works by writing input and output in terms of axes, which implicitly shows how the output should be calculated.

# setup example matrices
a = np.random()

# permute axis

MACs and FLOPs

« operator in YAML

The & operator assigns reference key to a mapping, while * calls it, and « does a merge of mappings accordingly. Hence for

  a: b
    c: d
  e: f

The output comes out as

  a: b
  c: d
  e: f

While if we are merging them via references, the merging mapping has less priority such that

foo: &foo
  a: b
  c: d
  e: f

fee: &fee
  a: q
  <<: *foo

far: &far
  z: x
  <<: *foo


  a: b
  c: d
  e: f

  a: q
  c: d
  e: f

  a: b
  c: d
  e: f
  z: x
